Submit A Document

Expert Testimony

Please do not upload any documents unless you have been instructed to do so by one of our representatives.  If you wish to submit documents please contact DOCUFRAUD toll free at +1 888-289-9009 and we will provide you with a link to do so. 

The following is the process for submission:

  • all documents are to be scanned on a scanner in pdf, we do not accept cell phone pictures or images in jpg.
  • the document in question shall be on it’s own separate file renamed “document in question”.
  • signatures or handwriting for comparison can be all together but on a separate pdf file from   the document in question, renamed “comparison documents”.
  • if multiple signatures are on a document, we require clear instructions as to which signature      is in question.
  • documents submitted must include a date and clear indication what the document is.  Do not send a clip of the signature, we require the entire signature page.
  • uncontested documents may include many items, the most common are: legal papers, passport, health card, cancelled cheques, mortgage or lease agreement, immigration papers, Insurance, vehicle registration, bank documents, RRSP, etc.
Toll Free Number:
+1 (888) 289-9009,
(416) 289-9090