Forensic Equipment

Forensic Tools

Our forensic examiners use many different types of specialized tools to detect abnormalities related to altered documents, indented writing, obliterated writing and obliterated serial numbers.  Here are some of the specialized equipment used by us in our Toronto office.

Stereo Zoom Microscope

The Stereo Zoom Microscope is the foremost tool used by a document examiner.  It is used for close-up work in signature and handwriting analysis.  The examination of altered documents is often used under UV and infrared lighting for the detection of altered or obliterated writing.  Altered Text

Take a look at this example of how an alteration can be detected using IR lighting.




ElectroStatic Detection Apparatus better known as the ESDA.  The Foster+Freeman ESDA is an electro static imaging system used for the detection of indented writing.

Indented Writing







Indented writing can be described as the force of a writing instruments that leaves an impression on the writing surface, usually paper or a pad of papers.  Often the indented impression is obliterated by ink from the actual writing.  Indented writing can be observed using the ESDA as many as 8 to 10 pages deep.

A benefit of the ESDA’s design is the preservation of the document being examined.  There is no damage or contamination to the document that will hinder additional forensic testing.

All manner of documents benefit from the detection of indented writing.  Notably these are hold-up notes, suicide notes, offensive letters written anonymously, or simply the detection of an altered or manipulated document.  The detection of obliterated writing found on the reverse side of a document can reveal the true nature of the authors intent.

Obliterated Serial Numbers

The detection or identification of obliterated serial numbers can be a real challenge.  These can range from coins, firearms, automobile VIN numbers or metal identification tags of manufactured  products.  When we want ultra-high magnification we use the Keyence VHX series of microscopes.

Not all obliterations are connected to a crime.  Many times the product or number is old and rusted or simply worn from excessive use.  The ultra-high magnification of the Keyenc VHX lets us look deep into the metal to expose the worn detailing or altered serial number.  If possible, we’ll also examine the backside of the metal tag to ascertain if alteration by over stamping has occurred.

Coin AuthenticationObliterated Firearm Serial Number

VIN Serial Number




The examination of currency, passports or bank cheques with digital and biometric encryption requires special imaging software and analysis equipment.  While Ultra Violet lighting can highlight many abnormalities, it has limitations when examining embedded encryption.  The Foster+Freeman VSC 900 is the tool used by document examiners.

Organized crime figures are often responsible for manipulating stolen passports, credit cards and counterfeit currency.  Their sophistication and large financial resources require equally sophisticated technology for the document examiners to detect fraudulent activity.

The VSC 900 provides colour and 3D spectral imaging of documents.  It’s high resolution capability provides for the exposure of digital & biometric watermarking on passports, currency and bank notes.  3D imaging allows enhanced detection capabilities of obliterated writing and ink identification with the use of enhanced Infrared technology.Biometric Encryption

Forensic Lighting: Lighting from a range of Ultra-Violet and Infrared wavelengths provide the forensic examiner a fast and efficient method of screening articles for the presence of fingerprints, trace evidence or biological material.  The examiner can quickly identify areas of interest and eliminate areas devoid of evidence.










Blood on Black Fabric